The Technology majors will develop enhanced skills in their area of technical expertise, research advancements in their technical specialty, utilize modern technical applications, and fabricate advanced technical projects. They will also gain skill sets in ethics, business management, professional relationships, manufacturing processes, and supervisory teamwork. Graduates of this technology degree program will find enhanced employment opportunities in career fields that utilize project control, industrial applications, technical supervision, manufacturing technologies, and other advanced technical specializations.
Admission into this baccalaureate degree program requires the prospective student to possess an A.S. degree from an accredited institution. Acceptance into this program will be granted through the approval of the Technology Baccalaureate Degree Department Chair and the Dean of Technology. There are six concentrations associated with the Baccalaureate program: Advanced Manufacturing, Industrial Development, Surveying Management, Information Technology, Career/Tech Education, and Agribusiness.
Students who have received an AS degree in the following program(s) can transition into this Baccalaureate Degree Concentration:
Information Technology Support and Security Specialist 5440, A.S. Career/Tech
Computer Programming Technology 5450, A.S. Career/Tech
Information Technology 5510, A.S. Transfer
Information Technology - Web Design Concentration 5512, A.S. Transfer
Information Technology - Programming and Game Development Concentration 5513, A.S. Transfer