Dr. Charles R. Johnson, Jr.
Twenty-Second President of Vincennes University |
A Brief History of Vincennes University
One of the oldest institutions of higher education in America, Vincennes University is also Indiana’s first college. The heritage of the University began with the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 which stated, “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and to the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”
In 1801 Jefferson Academy, the direct forerunner of Vincennes University, was founded at Vincennes, Indiana. The Indiana territorial legislature, at its first session in 1806, passed an act to incorporate the first university in the Indiana Territory, “to be called and known by the name and style of Vincennes University.” William Henry Harrison, first governor of the Indiana Territory, and later (1841) President of the United States, was the founder of the college and the first chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University.
Vincennes University has had a distinguished history, rich with the traditions of many firsts. In the Vincennes University catalog of 1899, the statement appeared that, “Vincennes University is in fact a junior college offering the first two years of the regular college programs.” By that statement, Vincennes University claims to be one of the first colleges to develop and recognize the junior college concept in higher education.
Today, the University is a model comprehensive “university,” offering 20 baccalaureate options in eight bachelor’s degree programs, 157 associate degree programs, and 79 certificate programs. Vincennes University has a statewide mission and is a state-supported institution, with a unique role in the higher education landscape of Indiana and the U.S. In addition to the residential Vincennes campus, the University has a campus at Jasper, Indiana and major extension sites throughout the state. Indianapolis locations include the International Airport and the Indiana School for the Deaf. Other sites are in Gibson County and in Plainfield, along with a training site in Lebanon. Through its dual enrollment program and its unique early college program, the University creates postsecondary education pathways for high school students to make early transitions into higher education and career paths. The University also serves a robust distance education population with 72 program options and provides higher education experiences for our military at sites throughout the country.
The University’s motto as translated from the official seal is, “Learn in Order to Serve.” For the past two centuries, for today, and into the future Vincennes University students and graduates strive to make that goal a reality in their lives.
Our Mission, Vision, and Values
Vincennes University Mission
Vincennes University develops people and enhances communities through accessible high-quality educational programs, strategic partnerships, and active engagement.
Vincennes University Vision
Vincennes University is a premier learning institution, widely recognized for leadership in innovation and delivery of successful educational experiences. A broad range of program offerings and a commitment to superior service ensure the University’s role as an important link in Indiana’s economic and cultural vitality. VU is a diverse community whose members all share responsibility for supporting the University’s mission and are respected for their contributions.
Vincennes University Values
- Personal growth and academic excellence for our students, faculty, and staff
- Collaborative relationships with our stakeholders and communities
- An environment that encourages open dialogue and cooperation
- Continuous improvement through data-informed planning and evaluation
- Cultural enrichment, diversity, and individual freedom
Institutional Functions
As an institution of higher education, Vincennes University is committed to provide:
A comprehensive range of certificates, associate degrees, and baccalaureate degrees that are relevant to the needs of the regions we serve.
General education for all students for the purpose of broadening their understanding of life and their ability to function as citizens in today’s society.
Developmental education for those who need it in order to succeed in the programs of their choice.
A comprehensive range of student support services aimed at enhancing students’ academic, personal and social development.
Partnerships with K-12 schools, higher education institutions, State agencies, employers, and others to address current and emergent education and training needs for the regions we serve.
Adult continuing and adult basic education consistent with the needs of those learners. Workforce development that delivers specialized training and academic programs where career needs can be served and community services programs that make the resources of the University available for community betterment.
A comprehensive program of community services and resources by developing specialized opportunities for preparation when career needs can be served, by initiating programs of benefit to the community, and by making the resources of the University available for community betterment.
Institutional Objectives
Vincennes University commits to providing an environment, personnel and facilities that enhance the commitment of VU to:
Allow Students to Begin Their Postsecondary Education at Their Levels of Readiness. The University works to help students make an effective transition to college. Through academic advising and personal counseling, the University helps students select programs consistent with their goals and courses in which they have reasonable chances to succeed. The University also provides opportunities for dual credit, advanced placement, early completion in courses, as well as other programs and services to assist students in achieving their goals.
Offer credentials that align with higher-level credentials. Vincennes University offers a range of sub-associate degree certificates that can be used to advance standing in higher-level certificates and associate degree programs. This “stackability” offers students a pathway to acquire career-aligned skills and knowledge that can lead to employment and that can accelerate the completion of additional credentials and degrees.
Allow Students to Complete a Baccalaureate Degree. Consistent with its early mission and history, Vincennes University offers baccalaureate degrees in several high demand areas. The purpose of these degrees is to prepare students for successful job entry or for graduate education.
Prepare Students to Transfer to Four-Year Colleges and Universities. With over 200 articulation agreements and Statewide Transfer Single Articulation Pathways (TSAPs) in place with four-year institutions, Vincennes University has a well-established history of success in and a continuing commitment to preparing students in the first two years of many baccalaureate programs. Substantial offerings and programs in a wide variety of instructional areas, advanced placement policies, developmental and refresher courses, and a variety of instructional techniques allow the University to tailor programs appropriate to the individual needs of students so that they can reach their academic transfer goals. Vincennes University students have opportunities to engage in practical learning experiences, including leadership and performing opportunities, often reserved for upper-class students at other educational institutions.
Prepare Students for Successful Job Entry Through Career and Technical Education. Vincennes University has a well-established history of success in and a continuing commitment to excellence in career and technical education (CTE). The University offers a wide variety of industry-aligned CTE programs that include general education and other support courses. While the primary goal of CTE is to prepare students for successful job entry, VU’s commitment to a rich general education foundation allows VU CTE graduates to transfer to continue their education toward an advanced degree.
Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Vincennes University strives to provide an environment that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive and that serves the diverse populations throughout Indiana, the United States, and the world. Vincennes University endeavors to recruit and retain students representing all aspects of the populations it serves. VU is committed to providing support, guidance, and resources to ensure that all students have the opportunity to be successful in their educational pursuits.
Provide Personal Development for All Students through General Education and Conducive Environments. All VU students are offered an opportunity to enrich their general education through a distribution of course requirements that include comprehensive survey courses and functional courses, in addition to a broad spectrum of co-curricular programming, extra-curricular activities, and special cultural programs.
Provide Guidance and Opportunity for Exploration to Those Students Uncertain About Their Educational Goals. The University provides opportunities for students to experience a diversity of academic and career alternatives. It offers its students personal assistance in career decisions through academic advising, counseling, interest and aptitude testing, and career information services. Vincennes University endeavors to assist students in changing their educational objectives with minimal loss of time and credit.
Assist Students in College Transfer and Job Placement. Each year a large percentage of Vincennes University students transfer successfully to more than one hundred baccalaureate colleges and universities. The University’s continuous communication and articulation with other postsecondary educational institutions, businesses and industries and the personal guidance by the faculty, staff, and placement personnel assist students in achieving successful transfer and/or job placement.
Provide Continuing Education and Educational Outreach Services. Vincennes University has a statewide mission to deliver education and training programs to Indiana residents. In fulfilling this mission the University has numerous community-based teaching sites including: Early College and other dual credit high school sites; the Aviation Technology Center at Indianapolis, Indiana; the Indiana Deaf School; Indiana Corrections Sites; the Jasper campus; training centers in Fort Branch, Indianapolis, Lebanon, and Plainfield, Indiana, and selected National Guard Armories and Army Reserve Centers. To serve those who have active or part-time military obligations and other military personnel, the University has established a Military Education Program, with teaching sites in diverse locations throughout the United States.
The Vincennes University Jasper Campus offers many community services to the citizens of Dubois County and surrounding counties, particularly the opportunity to complete courses leading to the associate degree in transfer and CTE programs as well as a number of specialized baccalaureate degrees. The Jasper Campus, in addition, offers non-credit training courses aligned with workforce needs.
Vincennes University’s Distance Education Division offers a range of courses and pathways to certificates, associate degrees, and baccalaureate degrees either completely online or in conjunction with face-to-face offerings.
Offer a Variety of Educational and Cultural Services to its Communities. The University’s radio stations, television station, and campus events are used for the dissemination of educational and cultural opportunities. Entertainment and cultural programs are offered to area residents through the Community Series and the University’s musical and theatrical productions and art shows.
Provide a Wide Range of Educational, Economic, and Training Programs to Diverse Populations of Partners and Clients. The University administers major federal and state funded community-based service programs for a variety of constituencies through its Division of Workforce Development and Community Services. Vincennes University partners with local communities, employers, state, and local governments to offer a wide range of training and continuing education programs at Vincennes University sites and elsewhere in Indiana.
Provide Opportunity for International and Intercultural Understanding. Vincennes University is proud of the diversity of its students and alumni, investing resources specifically to recruit students from under-represented communities and outside the U.S. Students from many countries around the world add an international dimension to the University, offering the opportunity for students to learn about different cultures and social norms. The English as an Additional Language Program offers non-native speakers a pathway to begin their postsecondary studies as they enhance their mastery of English. The Office of Global Diversity and Inclusion within the Division of Student Affairs on the Vincennes campus offers a variety of activities and events to promote understanding and appreciation of the cultural diversity present at our university, in our communities, and around the world. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council has as part of its mission, ensuring that Vincennes University graduates will be prepared to function in an increasingly diverse society.
Vincennes University does not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap or against disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam Era, or other non-merit factors in its employment or educational programs or activities. Any person who believes that such discrimination has occurred in this institution should contact the Affirmative Action Officer of Vincennes University, 1002 North First Street, Welsh Administration Building, Vincennes, Indiana 47591, 812-888-5848. The AAO also hears concerns when a person believes himself or herself to be a victim of discrimination under Title IX, Section 504 and the ADA. |
A Comprehensive Two-Year College Offering Associate Degrees in the Liberal Arts, Sciences, Education, Engineering, and Technology and Offering Baccalaureate Degrees in Specialized Areas
The Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 621-7440 https://www.hlcommission.org/
For Information about HLC Accreditation, Select HLC Affiliation
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
American Board of Funeral Service Education
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Automotive Service Excellence Educational Foundation
Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Educational Programs
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Federal Aviation Administration
Indiana State Board of Education
Indiana State Board of Nursing
National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships
National Association of Schools of Art and Design
Approved for Veterans
Specialized Professional Associations
Council for Exceptional Children
Indiana Society for Professional Land Surveyors
National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
National Science Teachers Association
American Association for Access Equity and Diversity
American Council on Education
American Council on Education - ACE Women’s Network of Indiana
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges
Association for General and Liberal Studies
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges
Association for Higher Education and Disability
Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors
Aviation Technician Education Council
The College Board
Council on Accreditation for Two-Year Colleges
Council for Opportunities in Education
Indiana Agriculture Institute
League for Innovation
The Manufacturing Institute Education Council
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
National League of Nursing
The National Portfolio Day Association
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
University Mortuary Science Education Association
Toll Free Number: 1-800-742-9198
Fax Number: 1-812-888-5868
Address: 1002 North First Street, Vincennes, Indiana 47591
Phone: 812-888-8888
Web: www.vinu.edu
Board of Trustees, 2024
Officers of the Board of Trustees:
Chair - Michael J. Sievers
First Vice Chair - Reginald K. Henderson
Second Vice Chair - R. Scott Brand
Secretary - J.R. Gaylor
Other Members of the Board of Trustees:
Gayle Baugh, Student Trustee
Darrel L. Bobe
Kelly A. Clauss
Jeff Cochren
Brandon Haight
Charles R. Johnson, Vincennes University President
Gregory T. Parsley
Eric J. Schach
John Stachura
Donald B. Villwock
Staff Members of the Board of Trustees:
Treasurer - Tim Eaton
Attorney for the Board - Brent Stuckey
Record Clerk for the Board - Nancy Irwin