Feb 13, 2025  
2016-2017 Vincennes University Catalog 
2016-2017 Vincennes University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Policies and Support Services

Student Records Policies and Procedures

Annual Notification of Rights Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access.

    Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.

    A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to provide written consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

    One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; an elementary, middle school, or secondary school official serving as a practice teaching supervisor; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

    A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility for the University.

    Upon request, the University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Vincennes University to comply with requirements of FERPA.

    The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-59

Directory Information

Vincennes University designates the following items as Directory Information: student name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, classification (FR/SO/JR/SR), parent’s or next-of-kin name and address, enrollment status, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees received, awards and honors received, most recent previous school attended, photograph, weight and height of members of athletic teams, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports. The University may disclose any of these items without prior written consent of the student, unless notified otherwise in writing by the student each semester by the end of the first week of classes.

Student Regulations

Academic Honesty

Vincennes University students are expected to be honest in all academic work. A student’s placement of his or her name on any academic exercise shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student’s own thought, effort, and study and that the work was completed in a manner consistent with University policies and regulations. Acts of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary sanctions and include, but are not limited to instances of cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of misrepresenting academic work.

  1. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, accessing information or using resources not expressly permitted during an examination, doing work for another student, and receiving or disseminating content of an assignment or activity (e.g. test, quiz, paper) without instructor permission.
  2. Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, opinions, theories, formulas, graphics, or pictures from another person or source without acknowledgement or applicable permissions.
  3. Other forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, submitting the same work for multiple assignments without instructor permission and furnishing false information to any university official, faculty member, or office.

The instructor will determine appropriate student disciplinary action that is consistent with the academic dishonesty policy contained in the syllabus of the instructor, which may include referral to the Office of the Dean of Students for appropriate disciplinary action in keeping with procedures used in the handling of other types of student conduct situations.

Accident Policy

In case of an accident, the student has the right to decide whether he/she wants to be treated by a local physician or go to his/her own physician. In either case, the student is financially responsible for the treatment.

In cases of minor accidents or illness, the student should report to the University Primary Care Center located in the Young Building at 1023 N. 4th Street.

Automobile Policy

Any student, commuter or resident, is permitted to operate a motor vehicle on campus. All such vehicles must be registered with the University Police Department and display an appropriate parking permit. Permits may be purchased either at the University Police Department or online at vupd.thepermitstore.com.

Students operating motor vehicles on campus must observe University traffic regulations. Violators may be fined and/or have their vehicles towed away at owner’s expense.

For more information about our department and to review the traffic rules and regulations, visit our web site at www.vinu.edu/police.

Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Harassment Policy

Vincennes University expects its campus community to respect the rights and dignity of all its members in matters of personnel consideration, admissions, or academic evaluation. Accordingly, the University expressly prohibits racial, ethnic, and religious harassment of its students, employees, and those who seek to join the campus community in any capacity.

Racial, ethnic, and religious harassment shall include, but not be limited to:

  1. Physical, psychological, verbal and/or written abuse with regard to race, creed, ethnic origin, or religion. (Examples would include unequal academic expectations, physical harm or threat of such harm, written abuse on papers or records, personal verbal insults, jokes based on a person’s race, ethnic origin or religious affiliation.)
  2. Any harassing activity (one time or multiple times) which acts to deny an individual the full rights and privileges which are inherent in living, studying, working and visiting on the campuses of Vincennes University. Persons participating in harassing activities as defined may be subject to disciplinary action.

Anyone having a complaint of racial, ethnic or religious harassment should notify the University Director of Human Resources, the Affirmative Action Officer, or the President. The college official will follow the procedures outlined in the Vincennes University Procedures for Resolving Employee Discrimination Complaints.

Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures

Policy Statement. It is the policy of Vincennes University that sexual harassment will not be condoned. This policy applies equally to faculty, administrators, classified staff, and students and is in keeping with the spirit and intent of guidelines on discrimination because of sex. Members of the university community can expect to be free from sexual harassment and thus all members of the university community should guard against it. The fact that someone did not intend to sexually harass an individual is generally not considered a sufficient defense to a complaint of sexual harassment, although the reasonableness of the accused’s perceptions may be considered. In most cases, it is the effect and characteristics of the behavior on the complaint and whether a reasonable person similarly situated would find the conduct offensive that determine whether the behavior constitutes sexual harassment.

Policy Guidelines and Procedures
Definition. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual¡¦s employment or academic pursuits,
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individual, or
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s employment or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment.

Policy on Public Speaking, Leaflet Distribution, and Demonstrations

Vincennes University supports the right of the university community to engage in public speaking, leaflet distribution, and demonstrations provided such activities do not disrupt normal activities or infringe upon the rights of others. Members of the University community are defined for purposes of this policy as University students, employees, and registered student organizations. Public speaking is defined for purposes of this policy as speech directed to a general audience, non specific persons, or directed to specific persons at random.

The University will not allow behavior that violates freedom of speech, choice, assembly, or movement of other individuals or organizations. In short, responsible dissent carries with it sensitivity for the civil rights of others. Accordingly, the University will take whatever steps it deems necessary to:

  • Protect the right of any member of the university community to demonstrate and publicly proclaim any view, however unpopular; and
  • Protect the freedom of speech, assembly, and movement of any individual or group that is the object of the demonstration

Members of the University community sponsoring or organizing a public speaking event, distributing leaflets, demonstrating or carrying out other equivalent activity will be held responsible for compliance with this policy. Sponsorship does not relieve participating individuals from responsibility for their conduct. Vincennes University students participating in a public speaking event, leaflet distribution, demonstration or equivalent activity, whether sponsored or not, are accountable for compliance with the provisions of this policy as well as the Standards of Student Behavior. Violation of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action against individuals, sponsoring or participating student organizations, and their officers.

Members of the University community may invite individuals who are not members of the University community to participate in a public speaking event, distribute leaflets, demonstrate, or carry out equivalent activities. University members who invite non-University participants may be held accountable for their compliance with this policy. Failure by non-University participants to comply with this policy may result in appropriate action under State law.

  1. Guidelines for Scheduled Public Speaking, Leaflet Distribution or Demonstrations by Members of the University Community

    Members of the University community may schedule a public speaking or leafleting event, demonstration, or other equivalent activity in any outdoor area of the campus, the use of which is not otherwise restricted or scheduled. To schedule an event a “Notice of Intent” form must be submitted to the Dean of Students office on the Vincennes Campus or the Director of Student Services on the Jasper Campus. The Dean of Students or Director of Student Services will respond promptly with approval given on a first-come, first-serve basis after an assessment that such an event will not otherwise interfere with scheduled University use or fail to comply with the guidelines outlined in this document. In the event a request is denied, an appeal may be made to the Assistant Provost for Student Affairs on the Vincennes campus or the Dean on the Jasper campus, who shall respond promptly to any such appeal.

    Persons distributing leaflets are to refrain from littering and may be held responsible for costs incurred as a result of littering. Distribution is defined as individuals handing materials to other individuals who may accept them or refrain from receiving them. Leaving materials unattended on a surface to be picked up is considered littering, not distribution.

    Leaflets, announcements, statements, or materials proposing a commercial transaction or pertaining to the sales of goods or services are considered commercial speech and are not covered by this policy but rather the University Sales Policy.
  2. Guidelines for Unscheduled Demonstrations by Members of the University Community

    It is the intent of this policy to ensure that all demonstrations on campus occur with minimal threat to the safety and security of persons or facilities through proper planning and scheduling. Occasionally, events occur which demand immediate public outcry, and it is not the intent of this policy to limit the students¡¦ rights to protest such events.

    Members of the University community may hold unscheduled demonstrations, rallies, or equivalent activities, provided the activity does not interfere with routine University functions or does not interfere with an activity in a space which has been reserved in advance. In deciding whether a demonstration is spontaneous, for which no registration is required, the University may consider any relevant evidence, including:
    • Whether signs or placards used at the demonstration were commercially produced,
    • Whether participants used amplification equipment,
    • Whether security was alerted, or media contacted, substantially in advance of the demonstration, or
    • Whether other circumstances demonstrate advance planning by one or more organizations.
  3. Public Speaking, Leaflet Distribution, or Demonstrations by Uninvited Individuals

    Individuals who have not been invited by a member of the University community and who desire to engage in public speaking, leaflet distribution, or demonstrations outdoors on the University’s campus may do so only in accordance with the following procedures:
    • Persons wishing to engage in public speaking, leaflet distribution, or demonstrations are required to reserve space by submitting a “Notice of Intent” form at the Vincennes campus to the Dean of Students or the Director of Student Services at the Jasper Campus. Events are approved on a space-available basis. Priority will be given to University departments, registered student organizations, students, faculty and staff. Dates are valid only when authorized by the Dean of Students or Director of Student Services on the “Notice of Intent” form. Application may not be made more than ten (10) business days prior to the date of anticipated use. In the event a request is denied, an appeal may be made to the Assistant Provost for Student Affairs at the Vincennes campus or the Dean at the Jasper campus, who shall respond promptly to any such appeal.
    • Public speaking, leaflet distribution, and demonstrations are limited to the brick area located directly in front of the Beckes Student Union on the Vincennes campus and the awning area in front of the Administration building on the Jasper campus. Public speaking, leaflet distribution, and demonstrations by uninvited individuals are prohibited elsewhere on campus.
    • A copy of the “Notice of Intent” form must be available for inspection upon request by University officials.
    • Persons wishing to speak publicly or to distribute leaflets are prohibited from engaging in the sale or promotion of commercial goods or services unless permission is granted under the University Sales policy.
  4. Guidelines Applicable To All Public Speaking, Leafleting, and Demonstrations
    • Persons may not block or otherwise interfere with the free flow of vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian traffic. The right of way on streets and sidewalks must be maintained.
    • Persons may not block or otherwise interfere with ingress and egress into and out of campus buildings.
    • Persons shall not obstruct, disrupt, interrupt or attempt to force the cancellation of any event or activity sponsored by the University or by any users authorized to use University facilities.
    • Persons shall not engage in harassing, physically abusive, threatening or intimidating conduct toward any person.
    • Persons shall comply with the directions of a University official acting in the performance of his or her duty.
    • Classes or other scheduled activities shall not be disrupted.
    • Use of public address systems and amplified sound will not be permitted without prior approval from the Dean of Students or Director of Student Services.
    • Where an invited speaker is the object of protest, persons may demonstrate and/or leaflet outside the building where the speech is taking place. Persons who wish to enter the building must do so as members of the audience and must give the speaker a respectful hearing. Failure to grant the speaker a respectful hearing may result in the offending persons being asked to leave. Signs, placards or similar paraphernalia associated with a demonstration will not be carried into the building.
    • The safety and well being of members of the campus community collectively and individually must be protected at all times. The University maintains the right to define the time, place and manner in which activities occur on campus. The Dean of Students Office or Director of Student Services will identify appropriate spaces for planned and spontaneous demonstrations.
    • University property must be protected at all times.
    • In accordance with the Vincennes University Standards of Student Behavior persons on University property may be required to provide identification and evidence of qualification to a University official upon request. Evidence of qualification means evidence that the person is a member of the University community.
    • Persons engaging in activities on University property are subject to and expected to comply with all applicable University policies and procedures.

Failure to adhere to the above described University procedures will result in revocation of an approved application and/or other appropriate administrative action.

Sales Policy

The Board of Trustees has adopted the following policy governing sales on the Vincennes University campus.

Vincennes University requires prior approval for sales on campus by any student, faculty member, staff member, student organization or outside group invited by such a person or organization. The Dean of Students at the Vincennes Campus, or the Director of Student Services at the Jasper Campus will retain the right of approval of the product as well as the date, time, and location of the sales. If the use of buildings other than the Student Union on the Vincennes Campus or the Administration Building on the Jasper Campus is requested, additional approval must be obtained from the respective building supervisor.

Approval must also be obtained for sales off-campus by an individual or organization that represent or use the name of the University.

Vincennes University also requires prior approval for sales by uninvited outside groups who wish to come on campus. The Dean of Students or the Director of Student Services will retain the right of approval of the product as well as the date and time of the sales. The areas designated for sales by outside groups on the Vincennes campus are the Beckes Student Union Grand Hall or brick area in front of the Union and, on the Jasper Campus, the awning area in front of the Administration building as well as the Administration Building lobby. For the purpose of this policy, sales are defined as the exchange of property or services for a determined amount of money or its equivalent or the recruiting of possible sales.

Standards of Student Behavior

Introduction. Vincennes University is a community dedicated to personal, academic excellence and growth. Choosing to join this community obligates each member to a standard of ethical behavior as stated in the Student Creed.

As a Vincennes University student, I commit to a code of civilized behavior. I will practice personal academic integrity; I will respect the dignity of all persons, including myself; I will respect the rights of others; I will not condone bigotry; I will strive for the openness to learn from differences in people, ideas and opinions; I will demonstrate concern for others, their feelings, and their need for conditions which support their work and development. Allegiance to these ideals requires me to refrain from behavior that threatens the freedom and respect every individual deserves.

The university is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy living and learning environment for students, faculty, and staff. Each member of the university community must choose behaviors that contribute toward this end. Student behavior that is not consistent with the Standards of Student Behavior is addressed through an educational process that is designed to promote safety and good citizenship and, when necessary, appropriate consequences are imposed in the form of sanctions.

The Vincennes University Standards of Student Behavior is a statement of expectations for students and student organizations on the basis of the philosophy of Vincennes University as well as Federal and State laws. These regulations are prepared to protect the health, welfare, and safety of the students of Vincennes University. Most of the regulations, accordingly, reflect the policies of Vincennes University, State and Federal laws or ones of common sense. This Standards of Behavior policy applies to all students enrolled in Vincennes University courses. Students are expected to be good citizens and to engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon their university, to be civil to one another and to others in the university community, and contribute positively to student and university life. Therefore, students should understand the specifics of the conditions they have accepted when they enroll. Students need to be aware that violations of the University Standards of Behavior may result in some form of disciplinary action.

Definitions. The following definitions apply to terms found in the Student Standards of Behavior:

  1. “University” and “campus” are used interchangeably and both apply to Vincennes University.
  2. “Student” includes all persons taking courses at the university, both part time and full time. Persons who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the university are considered “students”. Therefore, sanctions can be imposed on applicants, enrolled students, students between academic terms, graduates awaiting degrees, and students who withdraw from the university while a disciplinary matter is pending.
  3. “Standards” represents the Standards of Student Behavior.
  4. “University official” includes any person (student, faculty or staff) employed by the university and performing administrative or professional duties, or any person serving the university in an official capacity.
  5. “Member of the university community” includes any person who is a student, university official, trustee, or any other person serving the university in an official capacity, university guests on university property or at a university related activity.
  6. “University property” includes all real or personal property in the possession of or owned, used, or controlled by the university and all university facilities whether utilized by the university or a university auxiliary organization.
  7. “Organization” means any registered student club or organization.
  8. “Shall” and “will” are used in the imperative sense.
  9. “May” is used in the permissive sense.
  10. “Day” applies to a day when the university is open for normal business, regardless of whether classes are in session (e.g., the day preceding Thanksgiving). In determining any  deadlines as set forth in the Code, references to a number of “days” prior to or after occurrence of an event shall not include the day of the event.
  11. “Health” applies to physical or mental well-being.
  12. “Deliberate Indifference” refers to the conscious or reckless disregard of the consequences of one’s actions or inactions.
  13. “Standards of Behavior Administrator” includes the Dean and Associate Dean of Students, or any other university official assigned to administer these standards and to perform the duties prescribed in these procedures.

Jurisdiction. This Standard addresses misconduct that takes place on university premises and addresses off campus behavior when it may have or has had an adverse impact upon the university community or, if repeated on the university, poses a threat to the safety of members of the university community.

The Standard also applies to university sponsored events, activities, trips, etc., which may occur off campus. A student who violates the Standard and breaks the law is subject to university, civil and/or criminal authorities. The university, at its sole discretion, may pursue disciplinary action against a student while the student is also subject to criminal proceedings. The university reserves this right even if criminal charges are pending, reduced, deferred or dismissed.

The Vincennes University judicial system is the responsibility of the Office of Judicial Affairs through the Dean of Student’s office. The Associate Dean of Students has specific responsibility for the operation and administration of the judicial system.

Misconduct Activities which Subject a Student or Student Organization to Disciplinary Action. Vincennes University recognizes that it must create an environment where each student will be free to pursue her or his academic interests without interference from others. This includes upholding the integrity of the academic process as well as providing a community free of disruptions. The following restrictions are designed to foster healthy and peaceful learning community. Apathy or deliberate indifference are not neutral acts and may be violations of this standard.

Protecting the Rights of the Educational Process

Students are expected to respect the educational process for the benefit of themselves and others. Therefore, the following behavior is subject to disciplinary sanctions.

  1. Acts of dishonesty including, but not limited to, the following:
    1. Academic dishonesty (please refer to the section titled Academic Honesty for a detailed definition of academic dishonesty.)
    2. Furnishing false information to any university official, faculty member, or office.
    3. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any university document, record, or instrument of identification.
  2. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration or other university activities, including its public service functions on or off campus, or of other authorized non-university activities when the conduct occurs on university premises. (This policy is not intended to hinder organized, peaceful, and orderly protests.)

Incidents under 1.a. will be subject to disciplinary action that is consistent with the academic dishonesty policy contained in the syllabus of the instructor, which may include referral to the Dean of Students for appropriate disciplinary action.  Incidents under 1.b., 1.c., and 2. will be referred to the Dean of Students, who will determine appropriate student disciplinary action in keeping with procedures used in the handling of other types of student conduct situations.

Protecting the Rights, Safety, and Dignity of the Individual

Any of the following activities, the aiding, abetting, inciting, encouraging, or by his or her presence, supporting of any of the following activities, constitutes misconduct for which students may be subjected to disciplinary action. Student organizations may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including revocation of recognition. These violations include but are not limited to:

  1. physical or verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person resulting in an individual being fearful for imminent bodily harm and/or the emotional/mental disruption of a person’s daily life or educational environment;
  2. students shall not engage in any act that is sexual in nature and which is committed under pressure, force, threat, or coercion, or without the full and informed consent of all persons involved. For the purpose of this policy, the current, active state code states that consent must be freely and actively given through mutually understandable terms or actions. A person is deemed incapable of giving consent when that person is a minor, is mentally disabled, mentally incapacitated, physically helpless, under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the point of being unable to make a rational decision, unconscious or asleep. A person always retains the right to revoke consent at any time during a sexual act;
  3. theft or attempted theft of and/or damage to property either personal or public, on or off campus;
  4. hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization; (Expressed or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense.)
  5. failure to comply with verbal and/or written instructions of university officials acting in the performance of their duties and made within the scope of their authority; (Students shall honor the official request of any university official in the performance of his/her duties. Each staff or faculty member represents the institution and the attack or threat of attack on an official is a threat against the university itself. The above is also applicable to student employees when performing their duties within the scope of their authority). Grievances against a staff or faculty member may be filed with the program and department head responsible for that area of the university in accordance with the institution’s grievance policy;
  6. violation of any policy, rule, or regulation published in hard copy or available electronically on the university website;
  7. violation of any federal or state law;
  8. possession of firearms, explosives, or fireworks;
  9. the use or threat of use of a weapon, or any item or objects that simulate weapons, on university premises that could harm, threaten or cause fear to others;
  10. falsely reporting a fire, bomb, or any other emergency by any means;
  11. misuse or unauthorized possession of university owned emergency or safety equipment, creating a fire hazard or be in unauthorized possession of flammable or hazardous material;
  12. disrupting the normal operations of the university and/or infringing on the rights of other members of the university community; leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any university building or area; (This policy is not intended to hinder organized, peaceful, and orderly protests.)

Promoting Personal Responsibility and Integrity

The Vincennes University community strongly promotes the development of a personal values system that focuses on each person assuming responsibility for her/his own actions, and on maintaining dignity and truth. The following restrictions outline the primary parameters within each individual shall be held responsible.

  1. Students shall not engage in behavior that is disruptive, lewd, or indecent, regardless of intent, which breaches the peace of the community.
  2. Students are responsible for the actions of their visitors or guests. Students are expected to take reasonable action to prevent their guests from violating university regulations.
  3. Failure to comply and/or interfere with the university disciplinary system.
  4. Students shall not falsify or misrepresent facts on any university form or document and the unauthorized and/or improper use of a university form or document.
    1. Forms, Records, and Documents. Falsification of records and/or misrepresentation of facts on any university form or document may result in disciplinary action and/or cancellation of registration. This includes but is not limited to housing contracts, registration material data sheets, fee receipts, checks for payment to the university, applications for vehicle registration, application to be an exception to the housing policy, applications for release from a housing contract, listing an incorrect place of residence, or failure to update a change of correct address.
    2. ID Card Policies. It shall be illegal for a student to allow his/her Student Identification Card to be used by another person (whether a student or not). These cards are the Property of the university and entitle the student to certain privileges. Therefore, no student shall have access to the privileges on the basis of any but his/her own Student Identification Card. Further, it is against university regulations for any person to alter in any way the information contained on the Student Identification Card. This card must be carried with the student always and must be shown on request to any university official.
  5. All activities sponsored by student organizations must receive approval before the event by the Student Activities Office located in Beckes Student Union. The student organization itself, and individual students involved, will be held responsible for violations of the Standards of Behavior.
  6. Computing resources may not be used for illegal or disruptive purposes. Examples include:
    1. Unauthorized copying or use of copyrighted material.
    2. Destruction of or damage to hardware, software or data belonging to Vincennes University or other users.
    3. Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications.
    4. Harassment of other users.
    5. The accidental or intentional introduction of a destructive program, such as a “virus,” can have serious consequences. Users should be aware of the threat of viruses on networks and in public labs and use adequate protection against spreading them to their own machines. Both freeware and commercial anti-viral programs are available from various sources. Any attempt to compromise the university computer security systems will not be tolerated.
  7. Computing resources shall be used in accordance with the high ethical standards of the university community. Examples of unethical use which also may involve illegality include:
    1. Violations of computer system security.
    2. Unauthorized use of computer accounts, files, and data which do not belong to the user.
    3. Unauthorized use of access codes assigned to others.
    4. Intentional use of computer telecommunication facilities in ways that impede the computing activities of others.
    5. Academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating).
    6. Violation of software license agreements.
    7. Violation of network usage.
    8. Violation of another user’s privacy.

Prohibited Use of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol

As set forth in local, state, and federal laws, and the rules and regulations of the university, Vincennes University prohibits the manufacture, use, possession, and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students, employees and visitors in buildings, facilities, grounds or other property owned and/or controlled by the university. This applies to all individuals participating in any university-sponsored activities.

The university will enforce all state and federal laws regarding the possession and use of alcohol and the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of any controlled substance. Drug and alcohol laws are vigorously enforced at Vincennes University. Violators are subject to criminal prosecution. The enforcement techniques can range from plain view violation to long-term undercover investigations by local, state, or federal agents and agencies.

The inappropriate use of a controlled substance is detrimental to Vincennes University’s faculty, staff, students, and the public served. The university will attempt to assist a student or employee involved with the inappropriate use of alcohol or a controlled substance in obtaining rehabilitation. However, the ultimate responsibility for overcoming a dependency or inappropriate use of alcohol or of a controlled substance is that of the individual. Details of the policy are printed and distributed annually in the Student Handbook and University Employee Manual. Vincennes University has an alcohol abuse program emphasizing education and intervention and meets the requirements of the present drug and alcohol requirement, including the Drug Free Schools and Communities Amendments of 1989.

Procedures for the Adjudication of Violations of the Student Standards of Behavior.

To the Student: This material has been prepared to assist you in understanding the proceedings which are taking place as a result of a reported incident. The presentation of this information does not presume the degree of your involvement in the reported incident, and the administrator with whom you are involved will not approach your case with any predetermination of a final disposition. Therefore, the receipt of this material should not be interpreted as a prejudgment of your involvement.

The State of Indiana has charged Vincennes University with the responsibility for providing an orderly university environment conducive to learning in which persons and property are protected from harm. Priorities inherent among these responsibilities include:

  • Protect persons and property;
  • Uphold Federal, State, local laws and university regulations;
  • Provide an orderly environment conducive to learning;
  • Encourage the individual growth of students.

The Board of Trustees of Vincennes University has adopted university policies and procedures in exercise of the above responsibilities. The university administration is responsible for providing the process for dealing with violations of the policies. The process, which has been developed for handling conduct situations, includes the following:

Conduct Adjudication

Conduct adjudication is a process, which is used for all alleged violations, which may result in a change of student status. The process contains three fundamental steps:

Presentation of Alleged Violations:

A student who is accused of an alleged violation of the University Standards of Student Behavior is notified, either in writing (at the last reported local address) or verbally, of the alleged violation by the Dean or Associate Dean of Students.


Hearings may be conducted by the Associate Dean of Students, the Dean of Students or other hearing officers designated by the Dean of Students. All hearings provide the opportunity for the accused student to respond to charges, to present witnesses, and to raise questions. The hearing officer, through questioning, seeks to arrive at the truth. Should a student fail to appear at a scheduled hearing, after proper notification, the hearing may be conducted in his/her absence at the discretion of the hearing officer.

Presentation of Decision:

An explanation of the action and its effect on the student is made, which may include probation stipulations and future expectations for the student’s behavior. The student is informed of the right to appeal and the procedures to follow.

The right to appeal the Dean or Associate Dean of Students decision is afforded all Vincennes University students as a matter of policy and due process.


A student has the opportunity to appeal the decision of the disciplinary hearing to the Student Life Advisory Committee. Appeal requests must be presented to the Dean or Associate Dean of Students in writing within five business days of the receipt of the decision from the hearing process.

The Student Life Advisory Committee is composed of faculty, professional staff, and support staff. They are identified during the last month of the spring semester and serve the following academic school year.

Description of Rights in Disciplinary Situations

Students have been accorded rights in disciplinary situations by the Board of Trustees in keeping with procedural due process. Basically, students have the right:

  1. to be aware of the alleged violation a reasonable time before the hearing;
  2. to bring an advisor to the hearing;
  3. to have a fair hearing;
  4. to be informed of the decision; and
  5. to appeal decisions of the hearing.

The Complainant and Respondent may be assisted by an advisor of their own choice. Advisors are not permitted to speak or to participate in a hearing. Complainants and Respondents who choose an advisor shall notify the Associate Dean of Students or designee prior to the hearing. Advisors may not appear in lieu of the Complainant or Respondent; however, an advisor may consult with the Complainant or Respondent during a hearing and may assist with preparation for the hearing.

Standards of Proof

In many hearings, there will be strong (i.e., clear) evidence presented to persuade the hearing officer that the student did violate a particular policy. Sometimes, however, there may be ambiguities and contradictions which require that person to decide whom he/she believes or who he/she thinks is more credible. As in a court of law, the student is always innocent until proven otherwise. However, unlike a court, the standard of evidence which must be presented to prove that a student violated the policy is less stringent and the determination of a violation is made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the student charged violated the Standards of Student Behavior. This is known as “a preponderance of the evidence.”

In other words, if the hearing officer is weighing the evidence on some imaginary scale, he/she must be more than 50 percent sure that the student violated the policy to find him/her responsible. He/she does not need to be 100 percent or even 75 percent sure, just more than 50 percent sure.

Types of Disciplinary Actions

The actions that may be taken when a student is charged with a violation of the Student Standards of Behavior range from not in violation up to and including expulsion from the university. The action taken depends on the severity of the violation, the degree of involvement of the student, the individual circumstances of each case, the student’s disciplinary record and possibly the student’s academic situation.

  • Not in Violation - A student may be found not in violation when there is evidence presented during the hearing that shows the student was not responsible. A record of that decision will be maintained for one year.
  • Warning - Minor violations of the conduct code usually merit a warning. If the student has continuing minor violations, he/she is subject to further disciplinary action.
  • Disciplinary Probation - A report of the student’s misconduct is maintained in the disciplinary records in the Dean of Students Office as a severe warning concerning future violation of the conduct code. If no further violation occurs, the incident does not become a part of the student’s permanent college records.
  • Loss of Privileges - Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
  • Restitution - Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
  • Discretionary Sanctions - Work assignments, essays, service to the university, or other related discretionary assignments.
  • Permanent Disciplinary Probation - A report of the student’s misconduct is entered PERMANENTLY on his/her college records. This information concerning the violation(s) accompanies the college transcript as a matter of permanent record.
  • Suspension - In cases of serious misconduct, the student may be suspended from the university for a designated period. Once an individual has been suspended, he/she loses the privilege of returning to the university and/or attending any university activity during this period. When a student is suspended, he/she is expected to immediately check out of the Residence Hall and/or leave the university. Suspension becomes a part of the student’s permanent records.
  • Expulsion - In cases of serious misconduct, a student may be expelled PERMANENTLY with no option to return to the university. This also becomes a matter of permanent entry on the student’s record.
  • Immediate Temporary Suspension - In cases of serious misconduct, a student may be suspended from the moment of first notification of charges until the hearing. This hearing must be held within a reasonable time after the person has been notified.

Right to Appeal

The right to appeal the Dean or Associate Dean of Students decision is afforded all Vincennes University students as a matter of policy and due process. All appeals of disciplinary hearing decisions will be made to the Student Life Advisory Board and an appeals hearing will be called.

The Appeals Hearing will include:

  • the sanctioned student; (who may be assisted by an advisor)
  • the Dean or Associate Dean of Students;
  • an Appeals Hearing moderator; and
  • the Student Life Advisory Committee

Preservation of Records

Dependent upon the type of action taken, disciplinary records are maintained on file in the Dean of Students office for specific periods of time:

  1. not in violation - one calendar year, unless involved in additional violations
  2. warning, loss of privileges, restitution, discretionary sanctions - one calendar year, unless involved in additional violations
  3. disciplinary probation - two calendar years after the date of the last action taken
  4. permanent disciplinary probation - permanently
  5. suspension - permanently
  6. permanent suspension - permanently
  7. alcohol or drug-related violation - three years following the academic year of violation

Standards Review. The Standards of Student Behavior shall be reviewed annually under the direction of the Assistant Provost for Student Affairs. In addition, the Faculty Senate will, as part of the review, be invited to make recommendations with regard to the Standards of Student Behavior. These recommendations will consist of omissions, clarifications, constructive changes, and other matters germane to the proper interpretation and operation of the Standards of Behavior. Questions of interpretation regarding the Standards of Behavior or Student Handbook shall be referred to the Dean of Students office. In keeping with normal university policy approval processes, the Standards of Student Behavior and Student Handbook may, at the sole discretion of the university, be amended at any time.

Student Grievance Policy

If students have grievances involving University professors or staff members, they are to process such grievances through the University administrative structure.

The student should first discuss any grievance thoroughly with the professor or staff member. If the grievance is not resolved, the student should discuss such with the faculty or staff member’s immediate supervisor. Any unresolved grievances can be processed through the administrative structure to the President, if necessary.

The resolution of student grievances will be transmitted to the student and through the administrative structure to all involved parties.

  1. The student should meet with and discuss the matter thoroughly with the professor or staff member attempting to reach resolution immediately, but no later than 30 calendar days after the incident(s) has occurred.
  2. If resolution is not achieved and the student wishes to pursue his/her grievance, the grievance must be filed in written form with the direct supervisor of the faculty or staff member. The grievance must be filed within one week after the meeting with the faculty or staff member, subject to the availability of the parties involved.
  3. The supervisor receiving the grievance will do the following within three weeks:
    1. Inform the faculty or staff of the receipt of the grievance.
    2. Investigate the situation which may include but not be limited to requesting a statement of circumstances relevant to the grievance from the faculty or staff member, a conference with either or both parties, additional documents and other information relevant to the situation.
    3. The supervisor makes a ruling regarding the grievance within one week after the requested documents are received and conferences concluded.
  4. If either party wishes to appeal the ruling, a statement of appeal must be filed with the direct supervisor of the person making the previous ruling within one week of the postmark of the letter containing the original grievance decision.
  5. The hearing process is repeated with the addition of information from the original supervisor. If the appeal is filed by the faculty or staff, the student will be duly notified.
  6. The grievance may be continued by either party through the administrative structure to the President.

Student Complaint Policy

The Complaint:

The complaint is a written concern or formal complaint of dissatisfaction with a person, service, or process that requires clarification, investigation, and resolution.

Informal Complaints may be addressed to any staff, faculty or supervisor, as appropriate to the concern. If the informal process does not resolve the concern, students may submit a formal complaint. A verbal complaint that is resolved will not be tracked.

Formal Complaints are defined as those written and signed by the student. Complaints received by the student are regarded as written and signed when they are sent on the student’s University e-mail address or come to the Dean of Students Office for assistance. If a complaint is submitted without a student’s name, the complaint will not be considered. Formal complaints will be tracked to insure action has been taken.

When initiating a formal complaint, the following steps should be followed:

  • Be sure you have attempted to resolve the issue by speaking directly with the individual(s) or office(s) involved.
  • Complete and submit a VU Student Complaint Form (these should be submitted online or to the Dean of Students Office).
  • When the complaint is received it will be forwarded to the appropriate individual to review and address the issue.
  • The formal complaint procedure is set up to take no more than 50 business days. To have remedy under the formal complaint process, complaints must be filed within 30 days of the incident. Complaints filed more than 30 days after the incident will not be accepted.
  • After your concern has been addressed, you will receive correspondence documenting the receipt and review of your complaint. Notice of the formal complaint will be in writing within five business days of the receipt of the decision from the hearing process.

All formal complaints must be put in writing using the official VU Student Complaint Form. These forms are available in hardcopy in the Dean of Students Office, or online. For information regarding issues or concerns that are not covered by this process (such as issues of sexual harassment, grade appeals, student to student complaints) please refer to the VU Catalog, Standards of Student Behavior, ResLife Handbook or contact the Dean of Students Office.

SPECIAL NOTE: Sometimes VU students find they are particularly pleased with how something has been handled for them, how they were assisted by a particular staff or faculty, the positive experience they had in a specific class, or some other activity at VU. As a student you should know that the same “Student Complaint Form” that is used to lodge a concern, can also be used to provide a written compliment or note of appreciation. In this case, the process for submitting the form is the same as for filing a formal complaint.

Student Services

Student Success Center

VU’s Student Success Center (SSC) provides additional advising and student support to students of all majors on the Vincennes campus. In addition, the SSC staff supports advisors at other VU sites. The mission of SSC is to improve VU student persistence and degree/certificate completion. While all VU students will be able to benefit from the Center’s efforts, the SSC’s primary focus will be those students who enter VU with the greatest risk of not completing: students who are undecided about a career path or major and those who need significant remediation. Currently the SSC is located on the third floor of Davis Hall.

Student Success Center staff will actively promote student success and selection of career pathways by:
• Providing additional advising to at-risk students, supporting academic advisors,
• Promoting university-wide programming to help students be more self-aware,
• Increasing student participation in campus life,
• Contributing proactively to endeavors that support a positive learning community at VU,
• Supporting efforts for greater communication among all University stake-holders.

While the SSC will add to VU’s student advising and support resources, VU continues its commitment to one of its greatest strengths: the faculty member as academic advisor.

Academic Skills Center

The Academic Skills Center at Vincennes University offers many academic support services and classes to help students be more successful in college and provides an environment conducive to study. Free tutoring from both peer and professional tutors is available in most subjects. These are one-on-one tutoring sessions. Extensive equipment is available for student use including internet accessible computers, assistive technology (Kurzweil 3000, Zoom Text, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and TextHelp), study tables, carrels, and quiet study areas. The Academic Skills Center in the Shircliff Humanities Center is open weekdays and evenings to all students without charge. Tutoring begins the third week of classes each semester.

The Center for Career and Employer Relations

The Center for Career and Employer Relations is a partner with Vincennes University academic colleges, other departments in Student Affairs, and locations across the University community to provide quality services and support to our students, employers, and alumni. Services of the Center include assistance with:

  • Career assessments
  • Career counseling
  • Personality profiles
  • Learning Style inventories
  • Academic major decision-making
  • Internships and other experiential learning
  • Resources for on-campus and local off-campus part-time employment
  • Networking students with employers
  • Job search
  • Transfer to bachelor degree programs other than those offered by Vincennes University
  • Graduate school information
  • Campus recruitment and career fairs
  • Workshops on Career and Employer Relations topics
  • Classroom presentations
  • Marketing Yourself at VU series
  • BlazerCareerlink - Web-based job and resume listing service for students and employers
  • Research on student employment and continuing education upon graduation
  • Financial Awareness Series
  • Student Success for readmitted students
  • 21st Century Scholars
  • Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG)

The staff of the Center for Career and Employer Relations develops ongoing relationships with local, state, national and international employers through faculty, advisory committees, alumni, friends of the University and professional associations such as the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and the Career Development Professionals of Indiana (CDPI).

The Center for Career and Employer Relations is located in the South Lobby of Vigo Hall, across from Tecumseh Dining Center. The phone number is 812-888-4280.

COPE Student Support Services

COPE Student Support Services (SSS) offers inclusive services to promote retention, graduation, and transfer to four-year institutions. Criteria for admission into this program require that a student be either first generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year institution), meet income guidelines, and/or have a documented disability. The program is based on a person-centered planning model that includes academic support, advising assistance with course selection, personal counseling, tutoring, mentoring, transfer assistance, and campus visits to four-year institutions, career counseling, financial literacy, and financial aid assistance with FASFA, etc. COPE SSS provides small cohort weekly group activities that facilitates academic support, as well as noncognitive strategies (i.e., study skills, executive function strategies, and social skills.) The program offers workshops to all program participants on a variety of topics such as executive function and study strategies (e.g., time management, note taking, test taking, organization), stress management, financial literacy, and social skills.

Early application, which is separate from the VU application, to the program is encouraged since enrollment is limited. Students are accepted on the basis of eligibility, potential success and need assessment, interview, and available space. Since this program is funded through a federal grant, no additional cost will be charged to the student. The COPE Student Support Services program is located on the third floor of Vigo Hall room 396, 3 East Locust Street, Vincennes, IN 47591. Please contact us at  (812)-888-4515 office, (812)-888-2899 fax, or email at copeoffice@vinu.edu. Check our website at: https://my.vinu.edu/cope.

Experience VU Student Support Services

Experience VU Student Support Services (SSS) offers inclusive services to promote retention, graduation, and transfer to four-year institutions. Criteria for admission into this program require that a student have a documented disability and/or have a documented disability and meet income guidelines.  The program is based on a person-centered-planning model that includes academic support, advising assistance with course selection, professional coaching and mentoring, tutoring, mentoring, transfer assistance, campus visits to four-year institutions, career counseling, financial literacy, and financial aid assistance with FASFA, etc.  Experience VU provides small cohort weekly group activities that facilitate academic support, as well as cognitive strategies (i.e., study skills, executive function strategies, and social skills).  The program offers workshops to all program participants on a variety of topics such as executive function and study strategies (e.g., time management, note taking, test taking, organization), stress management, financial literacy, and social skills.

Early application, which is separate from the VU application, to the program is encouraged since enrollment is limited. Students are accepted on the basis of eligibility, potential success and need assessment, interview, and available space. Since this program is funded through a federal grant, no additional cost will be charged to the student. Experience Vu Student Support Services is located on the second floor of Vigo Hall room 296, 3 East Locust Street, Vincennes, IN 47591. Please contact us at (812)-888-4061 office, (812)-888-2899 fax, or email at experiencevu@vinu.edu. Check our website at: https://my.vinu.edu/experience-vu.

Counseling Center

The Vincennes University Counseling Center offers comprehensive emotional and supportive counseling to VU students, staff, and faculty. The Counseling Center is staffed by three mental health professionals, all licensed by the State of Indiana. Therapeutic services are confidential, and in most instances are free of charge. Students may seek out the Counseling Center on their own or come on the suggestion of others. Depression, anxiety, relationship problems, sexual assault, and alcohol or other drug use are just some of the issues that can be discussed. Emergency crisis intervention is available after hours. In addition to direct therapeutic services, referrals to local social service agencies and medical resources are facilitated when appropriate. Consultation, and educational materials about a variety of topics are also available. The Counseling Center is located in Room 134 of the Welsh Administration Building; phone 812-888-4374 to schedule an appointment or check out our website at https://my.vinu.edu/counseling-center.

Disability Services

At Vincennes University, resources are offered through the office of Disability Services to help students overcome or compensate for obstacles related to a physical, emotional, learning, or other disability. Staff evaluates disability documentation and endorses those accommodations that help ameliorate the effects of a student’s specific symptoms or functional limitations. Some of the resources available include: assistance in obtaining alternative format textbooks and adaptive technology, arrangements for sign language interpreter and captioning services, and referral to community agencies. Staff also assists faculty by distributing information through group educational presentations and individual consultations, and by coordinating to ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students with disabilities. Interested students are asked to complete registration in the office at least sixty (60) days before accommodations are needed, which includes providing professional documentation/evidence of a disability and the need for specific accommodations. The office of Disability Services is located in the south lobby of Vigo Hall and can be reached by calling 812-888-4501. Additional information about registration and services may be found at https://my.vinu.edu/web/disability-services/welcome. Vincennes University does not charge any additional costs to a qualified student for the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodations for a disability.

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Program

The goal of the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Program at Vincennes University is to provide international students with the English language skills needed for successful completion of regular academic course work. The EAL program is required of all international students who apply for regular admission to the University, but who have Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores below 525 (197 Computer Based TOEFL, 71 Internet Based TOEFL). The EAL Department also administers the Focal Skills Test of English Proficiency.

Curtis G. Shake Learning Resources Center

The Curtis G. Shake Learning Resources Center is home to the Shake Library, the Byron R. Lewis Historical Collections Library, the Assessment and Testing Center, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Media Services.

The Shake Library, the main library of Vincennes University, has a seating capacity in excess of three hundred and houses more than 177,000 volumes. It receives 287 current print periodicals, with another 169 periodical titles available as back issues. Its electronic resources are available to registered students and faculty both on and off campus and include over 50,000 ebooks and over 30,000 electronic periodical titles, accessed through over 100 electronic databases and 18 ebook collections. The library’s most recent new subscription is to WesLaw’s Campus Research, a leading information source for law and paralegal studies. The library’s physical space includes quiet study areas, meeting rooms, computer-equipped instruction rooms, and public use computers equipped with printers and scanners as well as internet access, word processors, and other office software. There is wireless internet access throughout the building. A liaison librarian is designated to provide instruction, collection development, and curricular support to each of VU’s Colleges. Librarians at Shake Library provide in-class information literacy instruction and library orientation sessions by faculty request. Librarians also assist students and faculty through one-on-one research consultations, live chat, email, or telephone.

The Byron R. Lewis Historical Collections Library, a part of Shake Learning Resources Center, was opened in 1967. In addition to housing the VU archives, the library contains a Regional History Collection of documents, letters and other valuable papers concerning the area that originally made up the Indiana Territory (1800-1816), and consisted of the present states of Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and a part of Minnesota. Lewis Library has genealogical materials that include some county and state records. It serves as a historical reference for faculty, staff and students of Vincennes University and is also open to the general public. In addition, Lewis Library has a growing, Web-based digital resources collection.

The Center for Teaching and Learning provides and assists faculty and adjunct faculty with professional development in the use and integration of instructional technology in classrooms, consultations, classroom observations, and pedagogical issues. The Center provides faculty with hands-on access to state-of-the-art computers and multimedia equipment for curriculum development. The Center conducts workshops and seminars to promote awareness of sound teaching strategies and instructional issues for faculty and adjunct faculty. The Center’s Senior Instructional Designer assists faculty in the use of instructional strategies, methodologies and technologies that have been shown to engage students, improve learning, and promote retention. In addition, the Center maintains a professional development library of educational materials for enhancing instructional design, curriculum development, technology integration, and classroom instructional issues.

The Assessment and Testing Center provides a secure testing environment for both computerized and conventional, paper/pencil based testing. Online, web based testing technology delivers University Accuplacer placement tests for course placement for new students, and BlackBoard tests for Vincennes University courses, both on campus and via Distance Education. Online exams for professional and career certifications are also available through Prometric, Pearson VUE, and Certiport.  The Assessment Center is a State of Indiana T.A.S.C. (high school equivalency) testing center, serving local and surrounding communities. Proctor services  are also available to students from other universities who live in the area and need a secure test facility.

Testing hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily, on normal University work days. Inquiries may be made by phoning 812-888-5404 or email dsanders@vinu.edu.

Students who are applied/accepted to the University and have received their “A” number (VU student ID number), may test by reporting to the Assessment Center.  All incoming students are to take the Entry/Placement test during or prior to orientation.

Military Science


Army ROTC is a college elective open to all full-time Vincennes University students. Upon completion of the basic course, students qualify to enter the Army ROTC Advanced Course at a university that offers an Advanced ROTC Program, such as the Wabash Army ROTC Battalion at Indiana State University. Upon completion of the Advanced Program, students obtain a commission as an officer in the regular Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard.

The ROTC program builds students’ leadership expertise, communication, decision-making skills and self-confidence, which can be applied immediately while in college or upon graduation from college. The leadership and management skills taught in ROTC are in high demand in the civilian market as well as in the military. The overall program includes the Basic Course (Vincennes University) for freshmen and sophomore level students, and the Advanced Course for juniors and seniors at an upper level institution, such as Indiana State University, in Terre Haute. There is no military obligation for students taking the Basic Courses, which focus studies on basic military concepts and the principles of effective leadership and management. The ROTC Advanced Course at an upper level institution focuses on tactical operations as well as advanced techniques of management, leadership and command. Qualified students must meet certain requirements to enroll into the Advanced Course. While in the Advanced Course, students attend the ROTC summer training camp at beautiful Fort Lewis, Washington between their junior and senior academic years. There are, however, several ways to accelerate the student who has missed the opportunity to complete the Basic Course at Vincennes University. For students planning to attend Indiana State University, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, DePauw University, or Saint Mary of the Woods, this can be accomplished by attending a four to five week ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, between the student sophomore and junior academic year. Upon graduation from the Basic Camp, the student is fully qualified to contract with the Wabash Valley ARMY ROTC battalion Advanced Course Program in Terre Haute, finish out the remaining two years of ROTC training and obtain a commission as a Second Lieutenant upon graduation from college.

For more information, contact the Vincennes University ROTC office at 812-888-5832 or the Wabash Battalion Army ROTC at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Lower Level Logan Library, 5500 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana, 812-877-8345 or via the Internet at http://www.rose-hulman.edu/AROTC/.

Credit received as a result of successfully completing Basic Military Science courses may count toward degree requirements as general free electives. All grades received for Military Science courses are included in cumulative grade point ratios.

These courses may not be available on the Vincennes University campus if there is insufficient enrollment. In that case, students may be required to travel to Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, or to the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville to complete the course requirements.

Old Post Bookstore

The Bookstore is responsible for providing textbooks (new, used, and rental), school supplies, health and beauty aids, snack foods, and a large assortment of apparel and novelty items promoting the Vincennes University name and logo for the student population as well as faculty, staff, alumni, and the community.

The Bookstore also provides fax service, and a copy machine.

The Bookstore can be reached by phone at 812-888-4334, and by FAX at 812-888-5477 or web site at http://vubookstore.vinu.edu for books and merchandise. Send your email to oldpostbookstore@vinu.edu.

Parent and Family Services

The Parent and Family Services program provides support to parents and families of Vincennes University students. When questions or concerns arise and you are not sure which office to contact, Parents and Family Services can help. The director may be reached by phone, email, or visit. Direct telephone numbers are 812-888-5004 (local) and 888-852-3940 (toll-free). Direct email is parents@vinu.edu. Families are encouraged to subscribe to the Vincennes University Parent List Serve at www.vinu.edu/parents. The list serve provides help and assistance to parents and families as they support their students at Vincennes University. Vincennes University Parents & Families can also be found on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/vuparents.

Registrar/Student Records

The Registrar/Student Records Office is responsible for maintaining and updating student academic files. Students may contact the Registrar/Student Records Office for the following services or for general questions concerning University academic policies and procedures: VU academic transcripts, enrollment certifications, update bio/demographic data (name, address, ID number, etc.), registration, schedule changes, graduation audits, evaluation of transfer credit. 

Residential Life

Vincennes University offers living facilities in air-conditioned residence halls conveniently located in the heart of the campus. Residence Hall contracts have six meal plan options:

  1. 10 meal plan - any 10 meals of the 19 meals offered
  2. 14 meal plan - any 14 meals of the 19 meals offered
  3. 19 meal plan - three meals Monday-Friday and brunch and dinner Saturday and Sunday
  4. 10 meal plan plus $250 Flex Dollars
  5. 14 meal plan plus $150 Flex Dollars
  6. 19 meal plan plus $100 Flex Dollars

Flex Dollars can be used at the Beckes Student Union Food Court, Grinders Coffee Shop or Tecumseh Dining Center.

Located on the Vincennes University campus, all residence halls are tobacco and smoke free. Wireless internet access in public areas is available in all halls. A brief description about each hall is listed below:

Clark Hall, a three story residence hall received a $10 million renovation during the 2007- 08 school year. It reopened in Fall 2008 and includes suite style living consisting of 2 bedrooms for 4 students, 2 bathrooms, and shared living room. A limited number of private and handicap accessible rooms are also available. Facility features include a home theatre, computer/study areas, laundry, kitchen, recreational/entertainment areas and card access entry. It is located next to the Shake Learning Resource Center. The Housing/Residential Life office is located in Clark Hall.

Godare Hall, a three story residence hall, can be used as a single sex or co-ed occupancy depending on enrollment. It includes regular visitation hours and extended visitation hours for students who meet residency requirements. A computer room as well as recreational/theatre room are located in this hall. Godare Hall is located near Vigo Hall, the Physical Education Complex and the Student Recreation Center.

Harrison Hall, a two story brick residence hall, is an all-male residence hall. This hall houses students in private and double room settings. Features include a recreational/entertainment area and computer study areas. Harrison Hall is near the Shake Learning Resource Center and other academic buildings.

Morris Hall, a three story brick residence hall can be used as a single sex or co-ed occupancy depending on enrollment. This hall includes study areas and a recreation room. The hall is located next to Tecumseh Dining Center.

Vanderburgh Hall is an all-female residence hall. Female students enjoy adjoining two room suites with a shared bath. This hall includes computer/study areas, recreation/TV lounge, and classroom space. The hall is located next to the Student Recreation Center. Vanderburgh Hall includes both regular visitation and extended visitation hours for students who meet residency requirements.

Vigo Hall, a three story residence hall, can be used as a single sex or co-ed occupancy depending on enrollment. Features include study areas, computer areas, and a recreational room. This hall is located near the Physical Education Complex and the Student Recreation Center. The Center for Career and Employer Relations, Disability Services, 21st Century Scholars Student Success, and COPE Student Support Services offices are all located in Vigo Hall.

Ebner Technology, is a living/learning community for Technology students located in the Ebner Technology Building. Students will reside in suite style living consisting of 4 to 8 bedrooms. The private bedrooms will surround a common living area. Community restrooms are located on each floor. Facility features include a laundry room and a kitchen. Students who reside in this community will have access to study areas of the Technology building for extended hours.

Off Campus Properties The University owns a limited number of off-campus properties. Contact the Housing/Residential Life Office at 812-888-4225 for information regarding availability, residency requirements and description of properties.

All unmarried students under twenty-one years of age are required to live in University residence halls when space is available unless they reside with parents or legal guardians. Military veterans are exempted from this rule.

Contact the Housing/Residential Life office at 812-888-4225 or www.vinu.edu for information regarding housing options and contract information. Questions can be sent to our new e-mail address:  housing@vinu.edu.

Student Health Service

The Vincennes University Health Office is located in the Zella Young Building located on Fourth Street on the University campus; the phone number is (812) 888-4277. The Health Office is staffed with two registered nurses and services are administered under the supervision of the University Primary Care Center staff.

Vincennes University has developed a medical care program to serve the medical needs of our students and to help decrease the cost of medical services. The medical program is available to all Vincennes Campus full-time students. The fee is included in the room and board fee for residence hall students.

The University nurses are available for assessment of illnesses and injuries by appointment. They may provide over-the-counter medications, initial care and follow-up care of injuries, and tetanus/diphtheria injections following an injury when indicated.  Diagnostic tests, pre-existing conditions, vaccinations, procedures, and physicals are not covered under this plan.  Any prescriptions, x-rays or laboratory fees are the responsibility of the student.

We recommend that all students have some type of health insurance to cover medical treatment.  If you do not have coverage, it is recommended the student purchase health insurance from the company of your choice.  Please note that the University does not offer a student group health plan.

Vincennes University physical/immunization requirements and forms can be viewed or downloaded from the Health Office web page

TRIO Programs

Vincennes University’s federally-funded TRIO Programs are educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Vincennes University hosts five outreach and support programs targeted to serve and assist low-income, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to college programs. The secondary programs include: Educational Talent Search, Project ASPIREE and Upward Bound. The post-secondary programs include COPE Student Support Services and Veterans Upward Bound.

Student Transition into Education Programs (STEP)

STEP is an academic support program providing comprehensive services for students with learning disabilities or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). STEP is designed to help students be more successful in their college courses. Student strengths, rather than deficits, are the emphasis.

Compensatory techniques, rather than remediation, are the thrust. STEP is designed to give students with learning disabilities the opportunity to develop their own unique abilities and to achieve their highest academic potential. Students will develop a sense of self-worth and the skills needed to function and learn independently in college. Admission to the program is based on completion of the application process, determination of student eligibility, available funding, and space remaining. Space in the program is limited and early application is important. The STEP fee is $425 per semester. All incoming STEP students are required to major in general studies their first semester at VU.

University Police Department

The Vincennes University Police Department is operated and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Authority of the sworn officers is derived from State Statutes, which allow for full police powers on the Vincennes University campus. Our mission is to provide a safe and secure campus for all individuals at VU. All campus police officers undergo an extensive selection process and meet state mandated training requirements. For more information about our department and available services call 812-888-5555 or visit our web site at www.vinu.edu/police.

Student Center

The Student Center located on the second floor of the Beckes Student Union houses the Dean of Students, Student Activities, Multicultural Student Affairs and International Student Affairs offices. Through partnerships and cooperative efforts, these offices work together to serve the students at Vincennes University.

International Student Affairs

The International Student Services Office supports all international students in achieving their goals at Vincennes University by encouraging their academic, cultural, and professional development. For many students, the office serves as a “home away from home” by providing students with a familiar atmosphere and having an open door policy to assist our students at all times.

The office of International Student Services is open all year to assist students with travel related situations and other things that must be taken care of in advance. In addition, the office also provides student support for personal issues such as culture-change, local laws, and academic problems.

The office sponsors a wide variety of programming and events throughout the year which include:
• International Dinners
• International Education week
• Taste of the World
• International Club meetings
• Cultural immersion trips

Coordinator - International Student Services
Office: 812-888-4301

For international admissions information, please send all inquiries by email:
email: intstudent@vinu.edu

Multicultural Student Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs is dedicated to developing healthy perspectives of cultural differences through educational, cultural and social programming activities. The office actively supports student organizations, offers guidance on issues related to diversity, and strives to promote and incorporate an appreciation for the multicultural nature of our society with the collective campus community.

Programs and activities sponsored and co-sponsored by the office are designed to create a campus climate that welcomes diversity, eliminates divisions, and decreases intolerance and stereotyping. Therefore, this office embraces all students and endeavors to create awareness, appreciation, action and advocacy around issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity and national origin through passive and active programs, speakers, lecture series and community service.

Clubs, Organizations, and Programs affiliated with this office include:

  • Black Males Initiative (BMI)
  • Black Student Association (BSA)
  • Embracing Latino Heritage Club
  • Essence of Worship Gospel Choir
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
  • SWAG (Students With a Goal)
  • Today’s Black Women (TBW)
  • Unlimited Horizons (Scholarship Program)
  • VU P.R.I.D.E. (Gay - Straight Alliance)
  • Visions (Leadership Program)

To learn more about the Multicultural Student Affairs Office, visit our website at http://www.vinu.edu/web/guest/multicultural-student-affairs.

Student Activities

Students are encouraged to seek opportunities for personal development and enrichment through attendance and participation in extra-curricular programs and activities, including athletics, physical fitness, theatre productions, musical organizations, Leadership and Impact Series and student clubs. Students may take an active role in planning and promoting all campus events by becoming a member of the Campus Activities Board (CAB).

Athletics. Vincennes University has a well-rounded intercollegiate sports program. The University believes that sports play an important role in the overall purpose of an educational institution. The University’s intercollegiate men’s and women’s teams are very competitive on a national level. They have won several national championships and have had numerous All-American athletes and All-American Academic Athletes on various intercollegiate teams.

Recreational Sports Program. The Recreational Sports program is designed to provide recreational opportunities for all students. Students may choose to participate in a wide variety of activities ranging from highly competitive team sports to individual and dual sports activities with a friendlier atmosphere. Leagues, tournaments and one day meet events are structured in a way that encourages individual involvement or participation with an organized team representing a residence hall unit, social fraternity/sorority, major area or special interest club, or an independent team/organization. In addition, a co-recreational sports program is available for those individuals who wish to participate in sports activities in a relaxed social atmosphere with both males and females competing together. The development of wholesome competition through enjoyable participation in physical activities is an essential aspect of a well-rounded college education. The Recreational Sports Program strives to fulfill that need through its variety of program offerings.

Physical Education Complex Facilities. Students will find facilities at the Physical Education Complex for a variety of recreational, competitive and physical fitness activities. Indoor activity facilities include a bowling center/snack bar with billiards and video games, racquet ball courts, dance studio, archery/martial arts room, multipurpose courts, locker/shower rooms, saunas and the Trailblazer Fitness Center. Outdoor facilities include tennis courts, softball fields, sand volleyball courts, and a 400 meter track.

Donald G. Bell Student Recreation Center. The Donald G. Bell Student Recreation Center is a recreation facility that provides Vincennes University students a variety of recreation opportunities at times that are conducive to their schedules. The Center includes nearly 6,000 square feet of physical fitness equipment ranging from a wide selection of cardio equipment, to selectorized weight machines, to an extensive free weight area. The “fieldhouse” section of the Center houses a 200-meter running/jogging track plus four court areas that provide opportunities for basketball, volleyball, and tennis. The Center also includes both men’s and women’s steam rooms, equipment check-out areas, and a student lounge area.

Aquatic Center. The new Vincennes University Aquatic Center serves as a powerful educational and recreational tool for students, faculty, and staff. The 25,000 square foot facility serves as a place of learning and training for swimming, physical education classes, water safety, lifeguard training, along with providing a dynamic place for students to just have fun. The Aquatic Center acts as a connector between the P.E. Complex and the Donald G. Bell Student Recreation Center. The Center features a six-lane 25-yard lap/training pool that includes a 1- meter diving board, a zip line, and space for other water activities. The Center also includes a 2,550 square foot leisure pool with such features as a vortex pool, bubbles benches, warm-up/lap lanes and lounge seating. The pool area is also handicap accessible. The Aquatic Center deck includes a 22 person spa, locker rooms, plus access to an outdoor patio area.

Cultural, Social, and Traditional Events. The Tube Race, Homecoming, Family Weekends, and the Miss Vincennes University Pageant are among the outstanding traditional events at Vincennes University.

The Alumni Office sponsors a Community Series program which features outstanding performers in various fields. The Vincennes University Theatre Department, Musical Theatre, and Summer Theatre offer a full season of student dramatic and musical productions.

The International Student Affairs office hosts a number of cultural banquets throughout the year which highlight various countries and cultures. The banquets include student involvement as well as professional entertainment.

Student Government (SGA). The Student Government is authorized by the Board of Trustees to service the student body by providing the means to recommend and advise the University in matters pertaining to the general welfare of students. Students are urged to take an active role in the activities of SGA. The SGA is made up of the Executive Council which is comprised of four executive officers, four commissioners and the Student Trustee who lead the SGA, two representatives from each residence hall, two commuter representatives, and eight at-large representatives. These are all elected positions, with the exception of the Student Trustee and the Commissioner of Activities.

Clubs and Organizations

Academic Interest Groups. These organizations are associated with specific fields of study and provide additional experience developed through group activities. Examples are Auto Mechanics Club and Biology Club.

National Junior College Honoraries. National honorary societies are represented on the campus, emphasizing scholastic or outstanding work in various fields. An example is Phi Theta Kappa.

Performing Arts Groups. Students have the opportunity to belong to groups representing the performing arts. Many programs and productions are presented providing students with opportunity to display their talents in a live theatre situation. Examples include choir, band, drama, dance, and art.

Special Interest Groups. These organizations are open to students that have an interest in some special activity. Included in this category are such groups as VU Pride (Gay - Straight Alliance), The Nerf Club, and the Ultimate Frisbee Club.

Religious Organizations. Christian Campus Fellowship, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries and Catholic Campus Ministries provide the religious programming which serves all students. These organizations provide religious study, weekly praise and fellowship opportunities.